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The support for SEN (Special educational needs) children in primary school also needs to be revamped.
Tim Wong
Tim Wong
The support for SEN (Special educational needs) children in primary school also needs to be revamped.

What respondents are supporting?
93% support having 25 Children or less in every primary school classroom
64% support having a ‘Though train” from each primary school to a partner secondary school (PSLE optional)
98% support having enough well-trained support professionals in schools for our children and teachers
0% do not support any of the above

Number of respondents who have filled our survey to show their support!
91 Singaporeans/PRs, of whom:
74 Parents/ guardians
23 Teachers/ educators (former & current)
00 Students - primary school
00 Students - secondary school
02 Students - post-secondary/ tertiary
John Tan
CEO of Doyobi and Saturday Kids, Father of 5
The current education system was built for an industrial era that doesn't exist anymore. Instead of academic knowledge, school needs to equip students with the skills and disposition to thrive in a world that is interconnected, interdependent, complex, uncertain and ambiguous. We are not preparing kids for a standardised world, so why do we persist with standardised tests?
Writer, Parent
Most parents I speak to agree our education system is not working for most kids. It is elitist. But we are so afraid to speak up. Well, we must, for the sake of future generations. We can change for the better.
Co-founder of Face The Future and the Crackerjack Compendium; ex-MOE teacher
If robots are getting better at being robots, if machines are getting better as being machines, then we human beings need to get better at being human. This is what we need to emphasise to our young people today - the need to develop their human skills. And education needs to evolve to give young people opportunities to activate and be evaluated on their human skills. The suggestions in this report are exactly what education needs to be more relevant to our kids today!
Joanne Yeo
Doctor, Parent
Not enough differentiation to support kids with special needs, different educational needs, those who need help socially/behaviourally. Classrooms are too full for teachers to really focus and support different kids and their needs.
Fixation on maximising marks for 11-12 yr olds rather than everybody being taught to maximise learning and interest in learning. The pressure on kids and parents is ridiculous.
Han Jiamin
Marketing Professional, Parent
Having seen how my children are intrinsically motivated and curious about the world from a young age, I wish to create an environment that would sustain that instead of killing that during their growing years. And the only way to do so is by giving them sufficient time and space to explore and expand on their interests, whether or not it corresponds to the rigid (and limited) academic requirements of the education system.
Tan Yew Zing Jeffrey
Retired, Parent
Thanks for the great initiative. I truly believe parents who have realised our education system does not benefit our children’s well-being need to voice out and be consistent and persistent in order for change to happen.
Keep it up!
Bryan Chua
Please looks into support for neurodivergent students. I have been to dozens of school counselors and school recommended psychologists, and my ADHD was only diagnosed in adulthood
Peiru Teo
CEO of Tech Company, Parent
The future will only be more diverse and trying to prepare them with hard skills far into the future is futile. Children need to learn how to learn, build resilience, curiosity, creativity, problem solving skills, self regulation, and so many more soft skills. These can hardly be tested in a national examination. Children will shine if we give them time to explore their strengths and nurture them. They are not all the same and should not feel any less because they cannot score in the narrow confines of a certain number of subjects.
Head of business at automotive company, Parent
Curriculum even at lower primary is so packed, I can’t imagine how the weaker students can cope without tuition. It’s not just stressful for the students but teachers and parents too. The fundamental over-emphasis on PSLE needs to change, if not it will just be a vicious downward spiral for the whole ecosystem.